Popular fairytales, folktales, legends, and myths adapted for dramatic purposes.
Free Playscripts for Kids!
English and Spanish

A Man, His Horse, and His Dog

Once upon a time a man, his horse, and his dog were walking down the street. After long hours of walking, the man noticed that they all had died in an accident, but they kept walking under the hot sun. Sometimes dead people, don`t notice they are dead. Finally, the arrived to a beautiful place, where everything was made of gold, and where there was a water fountain. There was a gate keeper guarding the golden gates.... click on the link to keep reading: A Man, His Horse, and His Dog

What would you do for your friends?

Habia una vez un hombre que viajaba junto a su caballo y su perro. Lamentablemente tuvieron un accidente en el camino, y murieron. El hombre se dio cuenta de que habian muerto, y aun asi continuo caminando hasta que llegaron a un lugar muy hermoso donde todo era de oro, y donde habia una fuente de agua. Claro, tenian tanta sed de tanto caminar! A la entrada de este lugar, que el hombre supuso que era el cielo, habia un guardia...... presiona el link para continuar leyendo: A Man, His Horse, and His Dog

Que serias capaz de hacer por tus amigos?

K I D S I N C O offers completely Free Playscripts, Readers Theater, Role Plays and Skits for Kids, in English and in Spanish. A few examples are: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and The Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Snow White, Chicken Little, The Ugly Ducking, The Wizard of Oz and many more. Free Playscripts.