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Their wing beat about 60-80 times per second in normal flight.
And their flight speed can average 25-30 mph

Hummingbirds like to stand in a small branch
to rest

Their hearts beat about 250 times per minute while at rest,
And about 1,220 per minute while flying

Hummingbirds feed through a long, tube-like tongue
that darts into the flower's corolla for nectar.

Hummingbirds may visit 1,000 flower per day

These are Hummingbirds pictures I took in my frontyard. Also watch the video!

The Hummingbird nectar recipe is as follows:
  • 1 Liter of Water
  • 1 Cup of Sugar
  • 7 drops of Orange Extract (Hummingbirds are attracted by the sweet and fruity smell)
  • Grenadine just to give a reddish color.

You can buy the Hummingbird Nectar, which contains proteins and vitamins. But in my case, I prepare the nectar since it is cheaper.

On top of the feeder I placed a small branch. Hummingbirds like to rest for a while after eating, and then they keep eating, as you can see it on the video.

From my observations, hummingbirds don’t like to share the feeder. It is not common to see two or more hummingbirds eating at the same time. On one occasion, there was a hummingbird who spent days just taking care of the feeder, and didn’t let any other hummingbird come even closer to the feeder.

Video de un Colibri tomado en el patio de mi casa. El alimento para Colibri lo preparo de la siguiente manera:

  • 1 Litro de Agua
  • 1 Taza de Azucar
  • 7 Gotas de Extracto de Naranja (el olor de la narnaja los atrae)
  • Un poco de Granadina para darle el color rojo

La comida para colibris ya la venden preparada, y segun dice en la etiqueta, contiene proteinas y vitaminas. Pero en mi caso, yo la preparo ya que es mas barato y rinde mas.

Arriba del bebedero coloque una ramita porque los colibris despues de comer descansan un poco, y despues siguen comiendo, eso lo pueden ver en el video.

Es muy comun que los colibris se peleen por el bebedero, asi que es muy raro ver a dos colibris comiendo al mismo tiempo.

En el caso de los colibris que vienen al bebedero, siempre hay uno que se aduena del bebedero, y no deja que otros colibris se acerquen. En una ocasion, un colibri se paso varios dias parado en la ramita y comiendo el solo sin dejar que ningun otro se acercara.